Farmer prosperity through innovative collective action

Join more than 150 leading coffee companies working towards the GCP 2030 Goal: Transformational change for more than one million farmers in more than 10 countries.

Latest Resources from GCP

Report 2023

From an increase in membership, action and influence, to the steady progress towards the GCP 2030 Goal, 2023 was filled with great strides. Explore the annual highlights and find out exactly how we plan to achieve our ambitious goal!

Report 2022

GCP’s annual report showcases the sustainable coffee purchases of eight leading companies. Take a look at the GCP Snapshot on 2022 purchases.

Reference Code

GCP has released its newly-revised Coffee Sustainability Reference Code, offering a common language for the sector to collectively advance farmers’ prosperity, social well-being, and the conservation of nature.


The GCP Equivalence Mechanism is an innovative building block to support continual increases in the purchase of coffee produced following baseline principles and practices of sustainability.

GCP Events

Local action
Global impact

Country Platforms are locally driven initiatives which allow national and international, and public and private coffee sector stakeholders to collectively identify country-specific sustainability priorities, and work together to address them.​

Our Members

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