The Coffee Data Standard

A common language to measure impact!

Members of the Global Coffee Platform span the entire coffee supply chain. The data they generate and the systems they use also vary considerably. This is why GCP has developed a tool to streamline this data in order to better monitor individual and collective performance towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

A common language

Derived from the Sustainability Framework, the Coffee Data Standard aims at operationalizing the fifteen (15) agreed common key indicators for farm-level sustainability and provides clear metrics and data quality requirements. These indicators and metrics, once integrated into the reporting systems of supply chain actors, will act as a common language connecting them all and lead to more efficient transactions, more effective resource allocation, and an enhanced ability to strategically plan future sustainability investments.

What are the advantages of operationalizing the Coffee Data Standard?



Data Quality

data quality


Increase development
of farmer services


Reduce the effort
of data collection


consumer trust

App Measurement

Improve development
of sector-specific IT


Simpler audits
(For certification Bodies)

The 15 common indicators
for farm-level sustainability

Economic Viability of Farming

Coffee Profit

Total revenue from coffee sales minus total costs for coffee production (Reported in USD/ha of coffee productive area.)

Yield / Productivity

kgs of GBE (harvested)/ha of coffee productive area

Cost of Production

Costs incurred to produce the coffee during the last production year (calculated per kg of GBE)

Price – Chain efficiency & returns distribution

Average Price received per kg of coffee (GBE)

Sustainable purchases

Volume of sustainable purchases by buyer and as a proportion of total, and change year to year.

Gender & Youth

Poverty Level

Comparison of total household revenue to International (World Bank) Poverty Line (total divided by # adult individuals in hh


Daily average earnings for farm labor compared to (rural) minimum wage

Child labour

% of school-age household members, under age 18, who have completed appropriate grade level for their age
Option: Prohibition of children in hazardous working conditions


Whether the household was food secure during the last production year (report 0 days of food insecurity–i.e., not skipping meals or significantly reducing food intake because food was not available)

Labor Practices

% of good labor practices adopted(of those listed)

Climate Smart Agriculture

Forest and Ecosystem Protection

Land area (in ha) and proportion of the farm that was converted from natural land (e.g., forest, savanna) to land used for coffee production in the last 5 years.
% of forest and ecosystem protection practices used on the farm”

Fertilizer use

Whether a professional assessment or advice was used to determine fertilizer needs on the farm

Water Conservation & Contamination Prevention

% of applicable water conservation practices used on the farm (of those listed)
% of water contamination prevention practices used on the farm (of those listed)”

Pest control/ hazards

“% of IPM practices employed on the farm
Use of banned or hazardous pesticides on the farm

Soil Conservation

% of applicable soil conservation practices used on the farm (of those listed)

How can I integrate them
into my reporting system?



Discuss internally with your operations team on the best way to integrate the 15 indicators into your internal reporting system



Utilize the Coffee Data Standard site for all technical support in integrating the indicators into your reporting system



Contact COSA for a more comprehensive assessment on integrating measurement tools into your business



Reach out to your supply chain partners and recommend them to do the same

What’s next?

The Coffee Data Standard is being used as a foundation for the Delta Project, a 3-year collaboration between the Global Coffee Platform (GCP), the International Coffee Organization (ICO), the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), and the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC).

The Delta Project aims to gain government endorsement of these common indicators and scale them to other commodities. 


The Coffee Data Standard was developed by GCP, COSA, Rainforest Alliance, WaterWatch, and a global expert committee.

It was brought to life by the invaluable support of the ISEAL Innovations Fund.

Strategic Partners

Global Expert Committee

The project has been supported by the ISEAL Innovations Fund, administered by the ISEAL Alliance.
The ISEAL Innovations Fund is supported by the following partners:


Nazir Ul Haq

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manageremail me

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