“Transparency is just a first step”
Highlights from the GCP Snapshot on Sustainable Coffee Purchases 2022 webinar
Highlights from the GCP Snapshot on Sustainable Coffee Purchases 2022 webinar
Following the publication of the GCP Snapshot 2022, GCP Members and stakeholders from across the coffee value chain gathered online to discuss sustainable coffee purchases, highlights of the report, and key next steps to advance the sector towards coffee sustainability.
GCP Collective Reporting in 2022
Transparency provides an understanding of where the coffee sector currently stands, and which key areas need to be tackled. It is also important to recognize the impactful work that is being done. This is the essence behind the GCP Collective Reporting, which culminates in the annual publication of the GCP Snapshot on Sustainable Coffee Purchases which was published earlier this month. During an exclusive webinar, participants and coffee sustainability champions gathered to discuss this critical work.
According to the GCP report, sustainable coffee purchases have increased significantly in 2022, driven by compliance requirements, corporate leadership, and consumer expectations. The newly published GCP Snapshot Report 2022 registered a share of over 70% of sustainable coffee purchases, more than 26 million bags, out of the total reported green coffee volume of over 36 million bags.
The fifth edition of the report features data from eight leading coffee companies JDE Peet’s, Julius Meinl, Keurig Dr Pepper, Melitta Group, Nestlé, SUPRACAFÉ, Tesco and Westrock Coffee Company in a comparable way by using common metrics.
Collective reporting, using common metrics, allows insights into where the sector currently stands and the key areas that need to be tackled to transition the entire coffee market to sustainable sourcing. Collective reporting aligns with consumers, shareholders, and the finance sector’s increasing interest in getting more transparent information about corporate sustainability strategies and progress. This trend is increasing with upcoming regulatory requirements such as the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).
The GCP Snapshot 2022 also shows a remarkable growth in the number of GCP-recognized sustainability schemes, which have been assessed against the principles and practices of the Baseline Coffee Code, now revised as Coffee Sustainability Reference Code, and the GCP Equivalence Mechanism. Depending on their assurance model they are classified as 2nd or 3rd party assurance.
GCP Members share their thoughts on GCP Collective Reporting
During the GCP Snapshot 2022 webinar, speakers from different key organizations shared invaluable insights on the importance of sourcing and their experience in achieving equivalence of their sustainability schemes to the GCP Coffee Sustainability Reference Code.
“If we really want to talk about transformative change and we want to see a sector that has prosperous farmers and a thriving nature for the future, so that we can continue to enjoy this amazing beverage, I think we all need to pull up our sleeves and join in the sustainable purchases report and the transparency that that offers.”
Nadia Hoarau-Mwaura
– Sustainability Director,
JDE Peet’s
“We believe that only a shared responsibility and a reliable co-creation among GCP Members can make a significant and positive impact towards economically viable coffee farmers and communities.”
Sarah-Ruth Brinkmann – Head of Sustainability Strategy, Melitta Group
“There is a unique power in coming together and work collectively to improve the quality and quantity of coffee production while creating shared value. This is essential to ensuring the future of coffee and the next generation of farmers to come.”
Daniele Buzzetti – Head of Strategy & ESG at Nestlé Coffee Brands, Nestlé
“By working with ITC to obtain equivalence with GCP 2.0, we received important insights to relevant criteria that we included in our Guaxupé Planet sustainability protocols, such as ILO conventions, corporate governance and references of trainings for coffee growers. We value that support very much.”
João Paulo Custódio de Brito – Sustainability Supervisor, Exportadora Guaxupé
“What we like a lot of this new Equivalence Mechanism, was the recognition for those programs that have reached a higher level in terms of time, in terms of trying to be with more requirements and go a bit beyond only a basic line. But also to give the companies a chance to demonstrate that they are more engaged and that they have more interest and that they want to grow.”
Miguel Gamboa – Coffee Sector Lead, Rainforest Alliance
While there is still much work to be done, the annual GCP Snapshot is an important contribution to increased transparency and monitoring of progress on sustainable coffee purchases. The report contributes to our shared goal to empower production and consumption of sustainable, profitable coffees throughout diverse coffee origins as ways to contribute to farmers’ prosperity, improved well-being and conservation of nature.
Start reporting today!
GCP invites coffee roasters and retailers to participate in GCP Collective Reporting on Sustainable Coffee Purchases – an important tool to drive coffee sustainability and a way for roasters and retailers to collectively expand the demand and supply of sustainable coffee. Start the process by getting in touch with our team: