Collective Reporting on Sustainable Coffee Purchases is providing the coffee sector with progressively transparent and illuminating benchmarks. Supported by leading roasters and retailers working to continually expand sustainable purchase commitments, GCP Collective Reporting is helping the sector to achieve its sustainable procurement goals.
Sharing and celebrating progress was the focus of GCP’s recent August 31 webinar during which the evolution of GCP’s Snapshot of Sustainable Coffee Purchases was reviewed, and GCP formally invited coffee roasters and retailers from all over the world to take part in GCP’s upcoming round of collective purchase reporting for calendar year 2021.
“Coffee consumers, corporate shareholders and investors expect increasing access to transparent information on our industry’s sustainability strategies, progress and outcomes,” said Mary Petitt, GCP Ambassador North America.
“Participating inGCP’s annual Snapshot of Sustainable Coffee Purchases offers coffee roasters and retailers the valuable opportunity to collectively show information about sustainability commitments and progress in collaboration with like-minded peers.”
“We know if we work in a transparent way, we are able to see improvements every year and what new steps we can take to reach more and more sustainable goals. For us, it’s a very important thing to participate in this Snapshot.”
Ricardo Oteros,
“The Snapshot fosters transparency in the market and transparency is one essential pre-condition for trust, which enables and fosters pre-competitive collaboration, which we need, to reach the velocity and speed to arrive at a sustainable coffee sector. The friendly competition enabled by the Snapshot motivates more and more actors to integrate sustainable coffees in their portfolios.”
Stefan Dierks
– Director Sustainability, Melitta Group
“To stimulate that growth in demand for sustainable coffee, transparency plays a key role, and this report plays a very critical role in that transparency. This report not only shows a picture of demand, but over time a moving picture of that progression. This sort of positive competition can only bring benefit for the sector, particularly for farmers who are on the frontline of sustainability.”
Marcelo Burity
– Head of Green Coffee Development, Nestlé
The GCP Snaphot summarizes essential information of the annual GCP Collective Reporting on Sustainable Coffee Purchases and is freely available to GCP Members and the broader coffee sector. It helps inspire transparency strides in the coffee sector by allowing a better understanding of the demand development for sustainable coffees. Collective reporting, using common metrics, allows insights on where the sector currently stands and the key areas that need to be tackled to transition the entire coffee market to sustainable sourcing.
The second edition of the GCP Snapshot, published in July 2021, illustrated progress made by participating companies JDE Peet’s, Melitta Group, Nestlé, Strauss Coffee, SUPRACAFÉ and Tesco in a comparable way by using common metrics.
GCP invites coffee roasters and retailers to participate in the next round of Collective Reporting on Sustainable Coffee Purchases for calendar year 2021. Please contact the team for information on how your company can join and take advantage of this leadership opportunity!