Do Thanh Chung

Owning two bachelor degrees in Russian and English languages and a Master of Education, Do Thanh Chung started his career by working for the Government as lecturer of Daklak Teachers‘ Training College and Tay Nguyen University in 1985. Since 1999, he has worked for different development projects such as the DANIDA funded Water Supply and Sewerage Projects, World Bank-financed Agriculture Competitiveness Project in capacities of translator/interpreter, coordinator, consultant, researcher and trainer.
From 2011 to the end of 2019, Chung was working as Country Director for HRNS Asia Pacific. The foundation builds on work that began with Embden, Drishaus & Epping Consulting in 1991. He was in charge of overlooking sustainable coffee production projects run by the foundation in the Central Highlands of Vietnam and went on to work for IDH as National Coffee Program’s Coordinator.
Today Chung works at GCP as Collective Action Initiative Manager and is based in Vietnam.