GCP PGE – Engagement Guide for Gender Equity in the Coffee Value Chain

The Guide is to implement and catalyze action by industry actors in the coffee supply chain.

Purpose of the Guide
The purpose of the Guide is to catalyze action by industry actors in the coffee
supply chain to design and implement interventions in coffee supply chains that
can support both men and women coffee farmers. The Guide provides a roadmap
and resources for industry actors to engage in conversations about gender equity
and identify actions to support gender equity in their own organizations and with
supply chain partners. It complements existing tools and resources and
shares success stories, lessons learned, and good practices from coffee businesses
and actors.

The Guide is intended for use by coffee industry stakeholders, including buyers,
retailers, roasters, traders; development practitioners; standards organizations;
other coffee business representatives; and producer associations and
cooperatives. We expect that most readers coming to this Guide will have a solid
understanding of the coffee industry but may not be as familiar with gender issues
or how inequalities between and among men and women farmers can impact the
coffee supply chain.

How to Use the Engagement Guide
In the Guide, you will find information about the relationship between gender
equity and the coffee supply chain, and how industry actors can improve business
practices to support both men and women coffee farmers.
