Join a GCP Baseline Coffee Code Revision public consultation webinar!

Lend your voice and contribute to shaping and advancing the foundations for sustainability in the coffee sector! For this process to be truly meaningful and ultimately useful, GCP is inviting participants from across the coffee value chain. The revision process will include online workshops, surveys and virtual meetings, making the process accessible to as many participants as possible.
The public consultation will run from 1 March – 30 April 2021.
Click here to register for the webinar
16 March 2021, 10am CET (English)
Click here to register for the webinar
16 March 2021, 5pm CET (English)
Webinar de consulta pública em inglês,
comtradução simultânea para português
16 de março, das 13h (horário do Brasil)
Regístrese aquí pare el seminario web de la consulta
18 de marzo de 2021, 5 pm CET (Español)