As part of its efforts to advance sector transparency and increase the purchase of sustainable coffee, GCP continues to expand GCP Reporting on Sustainable Coffee Purchases, making reporting on sustainable coffee purchases accessible to more roasters and retailers.
The latest round of reporting started on 2019 and 2020 purchases kicked-off in February, alongside the addition of five newly recognized sustainability schemes, recognized by GCP as second party equivalent to the GCP Baseline Coffee Code.
For their recognition, GCP assesses the different sustainability schemes against the principles and criteria in the Baseline Coffee Code and the operating practices that schemes should have in place to be considered credible and effective. Depending on their assurance model they are classified as GCP Baseline Coffee Code equivalent 2nd party or 3rd party, the latter includes the oversight of an external body in the assurance activities of the organizations/company that owns the scheme.
Meanwhile, the reporting programme will culminate with the publication of the second GCP Snapshot, providing the coffee sector with key information about transparent and measurable progress. The already published GCP Snapshot on 2018 Sustainable Coffee Purchases delivered first insights on collective reporting by JDE, Melitta, Nestlé, Strauss and Supracafé, based on GCP recognized Voluntary Sustainability Standards and schemes including 4C, Certifica Minas, Fairtrade, Rainforest/UTZ, C.A.F.E Practices and Nespresso AAA.
With the reporting framework in place and initial positive results already recorded by participating companies and major coffee sustainability standards, GCP Reporting will track the sector’s move towards sustainable sourcing based on aligned, comparable metrics and provide key information to all segments of the value chain, as well as the public sector.
Ramping action up further, GCP launched the broad public consultation on the revision of the GCP Baseline Coffee Code in March, helping to ensure an enhanced reference code for the entire sector. The process has attracted voices from across the coffee value chain through webinars, in-country workshops and a survey helping to ensure the sector-wide reference code is fit-for-purpose.
GCP Executive Director, Annette Pensel, said the increase of activity and interest from the sector around sustainability has been encouraging. “It’s exciting to see great strides being taken by GCP Members to advance coffee sustainability. It’s a clear indication of GCP Members’ commitment to action.”
The public consultation period ends on 30 April 2021, after which the revised code, which has been supported by the GCP Technical Committee and Advisory Task Force, will seek the approval of the GCP Board in July before being published later this year. The final document will be translated in various languages and made available through the GCP website.
Want to learn more about GCP Reporting?
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