The International Coffee Organization (ICO) and the Global Coffee Platform have finalized the Vision2020 public-private consultation workshops in several coffee producing countries and released the report on the National Consultations on Vision2020.
Between June and August 2016 coffee dialogues and roundtables were held in eight coffee origins:
Through these workshops, thanks to the active participation of public-private stakeholders, Vision2020 was made more tangible by setting collective sector goals and targets for year 2020. Participants were invited to share feedback on currently prioritized Vision2020 thematic focus areas in order to confirm or revise those in line with national level priorities and goals. These areas include Climate Smart Agriculture, Gender & Youth, Financial Literacy and Access to Finance.
All six priority topics of Vision2020 have been endorsed in the respective country events, along with specific areas of focus.
The Results of National Consultations on Vision2020 include the aggregated results of these public-private consultations.
On 16th September, the ICO and GCP -as joint Secretariat of Vision2020- will undertake a one-day workshop to be held at the ICO´s headquarters in London.
The outcomes of this public-private international V2020 workshop will be used as input to GCP 2017 planning, which will be finalized during the first GCP Membership Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, on 5th & 6th October 2016.
Let’s tackle together the challenges of the coffee sector! Don’t forget to register for the #GCPMA16 and click here to see the agenda along with the Travel & Accommodation Subsidy Form.