GCP Vietnam joins BMT national coffee festival 

Join GCP Vietnam at Buon Ma Thuot Coffee Festival 10-14 March.


GCP Vietnam will participate in the Buon Ma Thuot Coffee Festival (BMT), a major event in the country’s Central Highlands dedicated to paying tribute to the coffee tree. The eighth edition of the event will take place 10-14 March in various localities of the Dak Lak province under, where GCP Vietnam will be sharing the platform’s new roadmap, engage with local stakeholders, and provide best practice training on the responsible use of agro-chemicals.  

BMT has been recognized as a national festival since 2005, as it celebrates the prosperity and abundance that coffee has brought to the Central Highlands. Operating under the theme, “Dak Lak – The Destination of World Coffee”, the festival is highlight on the coffee calendar, attracting representatives from across the coffee value chain. 

“We will take the advantage of this event to strengthen our current partnership and membership, and to establish new relationships with new partners by introducing our GCP 2.0 strategy. We look forward to sharing our work and inviting more people to join hands with us to address critical issues in the sector” said Trung Pham Quang, Program Manager of GCP Vietnam. 

Some of the highlights of the festival will be the Trade Connection Conference, the Partnership Dialogue, the Sustainable Coffee Development Conference, and the Farmer’s Contest. Additionally, the participants will enjoy multiple art exhibitions, festivals, and the celebration of important events such as the 40th anniversary of Dak Lak liberation day.

The GCP Vietnam team will join in different activities of the festival through the presentation of training and communication products. The Country Platform will be a knowledge contributor for the Farmer’s Contest, bringing questions on best practices on weed management, coffee cultivation, harvesting, occupational safety, and health. 

“This is an excellent opportunity for GCP to raise its profile and highlight its activities and contributions to the development of a sustainable coffee industry in Vietnam” said the Program Manager. “In addition, this event will also help us to better understand the market demands and requirements of the buyers, the needs and expectations of the farmers, based on which we can improve our current work and better design our interventions.” 

Will you be in Dak Lak? Let’s connect! 

Trung Pham

Program Manager Vietnamemail me