WEBINAR: Closing the coffee living income gap

05 / Mar / 20

Join IDH and partners on March 10, 15:00-16:00 CET, to learn new insights into the living Income Gap in the coffee sector and innovative sourcing and pricing practices that could help close the gap.

Register now to engage with the experts

Across the coffee sector, many coffee producers and their families live well below recognized “living income” benchmarks. The long-term price of coffee in the futures market has remained roughly the same for the last 47 years, resulting in a significant decrease in farmers’ purchasing power.

The good news is there is massive momentum for change. Roasters, trade, producers and NGOs are engaging to move international commodity markets toward practices that contribute more effectively to Living Incomes and Living Wages.

IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative is actively supporting the coffee sector in this journey. In a recently released report, IDH looks at current data on coffee farmer income, and recommendations how the Living Income Gap can be closed with innovative sourcing practices and enabling policies.


Download the Task Force for Coffee Living Income Strategy Handbook now!

This report presents a framework for measuring the living income gap in coffee and suggests a path forward based on an analysis of data from a cross section of coffee producers in Colombia. Task Force members from across the coffee sector contributed extensive supply chain data, and expert insights during group meetings and bilateral discussions to develop this case study. This unique sector-wide approach has allowed the TCLI to evaluate the living income of coffee producers across all market segments and coffee qualities.

Webinar participants will hear from both IDH and a roaster like Nespresso on actions the private sector can take to change ‘business as usual’.

It will be hosted by – Jordy van Honk, IDH’s Global Director Agri Commodities – Cocoa/Tea/Coffee, as well as:

  • Ted van der Put, Executive Advisor and former Coffee Program Director at IDH
  • Daniel Pedersen, Senior Consultant at NewForesight
  • Paulo Barone, Head of Coffee Sustainability and Origin Development, Nestlé Nespresso S.A.