Rising to Our Challenges

Take a scroll through some of the highlights
of the GCP Member Assembly 2020


Despite circumstances requiring us to meet virtually, we were delighted to see so many GCP Members join from all over the world. More than 100 participants from 27 countries joined for the three hour online event – a clear indication of Members’ commitment to  advance coffee sustainability in practical ways as we are Rising to Our Challenges!

The event was broken into two parts: firstly, showcasing the value and impact of GCP in 2020 and the crucial role GCP Members have played, while the second part focused on local collective action and advancing GCP reporting on sustainable coffee purchases.

In both parts, it was evident that even in times that we can’t be together, we still need to act together – which is exactly what the GCP Secretariat and Members did, benefiting not only themselves, but for the betterment of the coffee sector, coffee producing communities, and coffee lovers at large!

GCP Board Chair Carlos Brando: “It is key to work together – now more than ever – so that we are rising to our challenges, and achieving our shared goals of Farmer Prosperity, Improved Livelihoods and Conserve Nature. We can do this together through meaningful Collective Action that benefits coffee farming community and the entire chain, and through increasing supply and sourcing of sustainable coffees.”

GCP applauds our membership for continued involvement and commitment to coffee sustainability.
A special thank you goes to the GCP Board for invaluable service and leadership.


Participating in a GCP Collective Action Initiative means working with some of your biggest competitors, but as counterintuitive as it may seem, 2020 has shown that combining the knowledge, skills, perspectives and resources of different stakeholders can benefit all involved – especially the coffee-producing region and communities targeted. Take a look at what some of the participating GCP Members have to say about working in a pre-competitive environment and why they continue to invest in GCP Collective Actions.

“[To achieve our goals]we ask two guiding questions: what is really needed; and what approach creates the best and the biggest impact in order to meet these challenges identified? And in our view, these GCP Collective Action Initiatives are a great instrument to address systemic issues.”

Tianne Groeneveld

Lead Manager Sustainability (Coffee) Corporate Responsibility

“The fact that we are all willing to come together – to put in our time and resources to find the best solution for that specific origin and that specific issue is what magically happens under the Collective Action Initiative.”

Nadia Hoarau-Mwaura

Sustainability Director
Jacobs Douwe Egberts

“Cooperation, transparency, communication – all of these are key in the process [of collective action]. Working together means it is possible to share costs, learnings, and we can take advantage of others’ experiences and success cases.”

Marcos Matos


“The public and private sector, traders, roasters, cooperatives, assistant agencies and many more – are involved in working together. This creates a very high level of discussion, a comprehensive regional view, generating innovative ideas with clear actions.”

Daniel Motta

SMS Manager Brazil


Collective GCP Roaster and Retailing Reporting has become a powerful tool to encourage greater transparency and increase sustainable coffee purchases from diverse origins. During a year full of unpredictable challenges, the drive to advance these critical sustainability matters has resulted in the upgrading and renewing of a range of tools and programs to support roasters and retailers in measuring and achieving their sustainability goals.

“We think it’s truly important that producers, who source through a range of sustainability programs can be recognized and acknowledged, and more companies can be included in reporting on transparency. Every action producers take towards sustainability is a win. Including more companies, and more origins, as equivalent to the GCP Baseline Coffee Code recognises the efforts by the producers and the companies who buy through those schemes. As a sector, this brings us together and supports all our sustainability efforts.

Michelle Deugd

Rainforest Alliance

“New solutions are needed if we want smallholder farmers to produce sustainable coffee. I encourage smallholders to find certification schemes that suit them best and for larger companies to support smallholders in producing sustainable coffee”.

Aman Adinew


“The world is changing – in the last few years we’ve seen new [sustainability] schemes, including private schemes come into the industry and it is important to assess them to see how they measure up to the Baseline Common Code. The sustainability discussion has also changed, with new topics such as living incomes. We need to assess these evolving demands in sustainability.”

Juan Antonio Rivas


“Sustainable coffee creates a positive cycle of productivity and long-term benefits for future generations. Growers can only benefit from sustainable coffee”.

Rafael Furtado

Coomap/Brazilian Coffee Producers Council (CNC)

“We participated to show and drive a higher demand for sustainable coffee. Our participation is part of our contribution to greater transparency in the sector and visible progress tracking over time as the report comes out each year. We see this report as a way of generating a common language for the sector and the report is part of dialogue within the sector and a way to create community. Reporting like this can play a positive role in demonstrating due diligence for companies like Nestle and other roasters, especially considering the upcoming EU regulations on due diligence.”


“As companies, we all have to do our own ‘homework’ to foster sustainability in our own businesses but even more important is pre-competitive collaboration for sustainable development of the sector. One precondition for this collaboration is trust, based on transparency. So the Roaster & Retailer Reporting is an excellent opportunity for us, and others, to provide transparency. Based on this transparency, we can have a deeper dialogue about joint interests and action for sustainable development. Melitta is looking forward to participating in the next round of the reporting and I invite others to participate because it’s an excellent opportunity!”



Without the generous support of Members, strategic partners and donors, GCP would not be able to achieve what it has in 2020 and beyond. Your continued support, shared investment, sincere commitment, and willingness to work together, means a thriving and sustainable coffee sector can be achieved

The GCP Member Assembly 2020 was made possible by our sponsors. Thank you!