2019 – A year of Coordinated Local Action

Thank you GCP Members, donors, and strategic partners! Your passion and commitment has allowed the Global Coffee Platform and its dynamic network of Country Platforms to address key issues confronting the coffee sector.

From our Call to Action on the coffee price crisis to the exciting progress being made by Collective Action Initiatives, 2019 has shown us that joint action and collaboration can lead to shared benefits.

Our journey towards sustainability is an urgent one, but thanks to the ongoing dedication from our Members, a positive and exciting one road lies ahead.

We look forward to continuing to be the launch hub for all GCP Members to achieve their sustainability goals and help improve the livelihoods of coffee farmers and their resilience against the impacts of climate change.


The call for urgent global collective action on the coffee price crisis

GCP and its 140 members addressed the crisis through engagement, encouragement, education, and mobilization.

The common language for capturing data developed

15 high-level sustainability indicators were operationalized in the Coffee Data Standard.

The growth of Collective Action Initiatives

Multi-stakeholder initiatives have worked at country level to address shared challenges.

The support of international sustainability resolutions

GCP actively advocated for the economic sustainability of coffee farmers

The commitment to knowledge sharing

GCP engaged with international coffee exchanges, supported the development of country platforms and policies, supported local action and convened stakeholders for joint action.

GCP IN 2020


by striving to facilitate new opportunities for sustainability improvements


by supporting the broad uptake of aligned metrics to measure impact


by mobilizing stakeholders to act on the coffee price crisis and work towards sustainable practices. 

And the many exciting things our Members, Partners and Donors will achieve in coffee sustainability!