Spread the word about what you and 150+ other GCP Members achieved in 2017!

10 / Jul / 18

The Global Coffee Platform has just released its Annual Report 2017! Thanks to your contribution last year, we were able to transform global commitment into collective action on the ground. Along with 150+ other GCP Members, we continued to address the most pressing issues the coffee sector with bottom-up, innovative, and collaborative solutions.

In case you missed it, you can view our collective sustainability journey in 2017: Annual Report 2017

Be proud of what we achieved together and to help you spread the word even faster, we have prepared some posts for you below.

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  • Don’t miss out on what [your organization] and 150+ other GCP Members achieved by working together to improve the livelihoods of coffee farming communities around the world #GCPAnnualReport17 #coffeesustainability #sustainability #coffee #[Your organization] #GCPCoffee
  • In 2017, we contributed to coffee’s sustainability by teaming up with #GCPCoffee and 150+ other GCP Members. Our joint efforts multiplied the impact on coffee fields! #GCPAnnualReport17 #coffeesustainability #sustainability #coffee #(Your organization)#GCPCoffee


  • The pressing issues in the coffee sector won’t wait until we are ready to deal with them. Local action is required, and this is only possible through global collaboration. That’s what we achieved in 2017 with GCP and 150+ other GCP Members.
  • Our contribution to the sustainability of the coffee sector has been reflected in what we achieved with 150+ other members of the Global Coffee Platform. Take a look at the Annual Report 2017!


  • A Year of Coffee and Collective Action: GCP Annual Report 2017, check out what happens when 150+ GCP Members work together towards sustainability!
  • The latest report on what we achieved in 2017 has arrived. Take a look at the GCP Annual Report 2017!