Vision2020 workshop in Brazil

01 / Aug / 16

Written by the Brazil National Advisory Board

Vision2020 public-private consultation workshops have taken place in several coffee producing countries like Brazil, where more than 40 people joined the sessions. Stakeholders from 34 different companies participated on the Vision2020 workshop that took place in in Campinas, São Paulo State, on July 21.

Organized by the GCP team based in Brazil, the workshop was an opportunity for the Brazilian Coffee Sector to know more about the Vision2020, the Global Coffee Platform and, mainly, to discuss the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on a national context, focusing on the 10 SDGs that were found as relevant for the coffee sector.

SDGs found by participants more relevant for coffee sector.

SDGs found by participants more relevant for coffee sector.

The event, facilitated by Iandé – Educação e Sustentabilidade, enabled different voices to speak together and share knowledge and opinions, through the “World Café” methodology. The participants sit together in small groups and discussed the relevance of the SDGs for the Brazilian coffee sector, as well as exploring the steps already taken towards the achievement of those goals and the corresponding challenges. Participants were also able to discuss further issues beyond the SDGs.

Participants were organized in a World Café layout:

Participants were organized in a World Café layout:

The discussions took place in groups of 3-4 people to allow greater dialogue and interaction. Each table had printed material to support the discussions and a template, which was filled by the table host with the inputs from the participants.

12 tables divided in 4 thematic areas

12 tables divided in 4 thematic areas

As a result of the discussions, participants

As part of the discussions, participants made observations on the 87 targets of the 10 SDGs that were found relevant for the coffee sector:

  • All 10 SDG’s that were found relevant for coffee had relevant targets for the Brazilian Coffee Sector
  • Two goals had almost half of the targets considered not relevant for the Brazilian coffee context.
  • Almost half of the total targets were considered relevant by the 3 groups that worked on that theme.
  • In addition to the SDGs targets, other issues were raised as key for the Brazilian Coffee such as: family succession, coffee communities organization, sustainability literacy at every educational level, agrochemicals and worker health, alcoholism, pesticides package, rural technical assistance, tributary review, alignment of Brazilian labor law to coffee real needs, among others.


Further results of the workshop will be shared during the Vision2020 Workshop in London, which will take place on 16th September 2016. These findings will support the Global Coffee Platform at a national context, and will ultimately bring more sustainability into the Brazilian coffee sector.

Coffee Assurance Services

By the end of the Workshop for Vision 2020 in Brazil, the GCP members had the opportunity to watch a presentation from Gustavo Bacchi, Managing Director of Coffee Assurance Services (CAS). Gustavo presented the changes and clarified the roles and activities now developed by CAS.

For more images of the day, please visit our photo album.