Responsible Use of Agro-Chemicals, Brazil

GCP Collective Action Initiatives act on identified and prioritized issues at coffee origins that critically affect coffee farmers. In these initiatives companies and organizations work collectively for sustainable impact at coffee origins and at farm level.


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06/2018 – 2019

  • 770 farmers trained on sustainable practices and digital inclusion
  • 95 field technicians trained on Coffee Sustainability Curriculum
  • 93 field technicians trained to promote cultural change among farmers trough participatory meetings based on Problem-based Learning methodology
  • 4 participatory meetings with approximately 60 farmers
  • 206 farmers trained on responsible agrochemical application
  • 42 agrochemical storage units built on small farms


  • Online illustrated guide for growers on best practices in weed management & Maximum Residue Limits for glyphosate in coffee designed and disseminated to growers, technicians, cooperatives, rural extension services, sector entities, companies and general public via e-mail, WhatsApp groups, social media specialized media and institutional websites: over 3,400 people accessed the material.
  • 36 field technicians trained on sustainable practices in coffee (Coffee Sustainability Curriculum)
  • 13 field technicians trained to promote cultural change among farmers trough participatory meetings based on Problem-based Learning methodology
  • 15 participatory meetings with approximately 240 growers to exchange knowledge about better agricultural practices under the guidance of technicians (special approach to promote cultural change)
  • 108 farmers trained on agrochemical application
  • Memorandum of Understanding signed with CropLife Brasil with the goal of increasing engagement of agrochemical companies in coffee sustainability through training and dialogue (experts, technicians and agronomists) and dissemination of information.
  • 66 agrochemical storage units built on coffee farms

* Several activities were impacted by the pandemic, a few had to be adapted to online formats and some had to be postponed to 2021.


  • New implementing partner joins: APROD (association of 70 small coffee growers from Divinolândia municipality, Mogiana region; focus on FairTrade)
  • Partnership established with inpEV (National Institute for the Processing of Agrochemical Containers) resulted in 5 itinerant events organized in coffee areas to collect empty agrochemical containers, that benefited thousands of small growers. 850** farmers participated, and 24,000** empty packages were collected in 18** municipalities. Outcome of partnership is the inclusion of the “National Clean Field Week” to Inconfidentes municipality annual agenda, in South Minas Gerais, led by exporter Comexim and the Federal Institute of Inconfidentes in order to continue and scale practice in the area.
  • Dissemination of content about responsible use of agrochemicals in coffee: 1 webinar (Brazilian Regulatory Standard NR-31) in partnership with CNA, and also 3 field visits to partners (by end of 2021)*
  • 23 field technicians trained – Integrated Pest and Disease Management
  • 60 field technicians trained – Spraying Technology
  • 30 field technicians trained on Coffee Sustainability Curriculum
  • 28 agrochemical storage units built on coffee farms*

*Activities impacted by the pandemic
**Estimated numbers

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a new GCP Collective Action Initiative
Caroline Glowka

Senior Manager Member Relationsemail me

Caroline Glowka

Senior Manager Member Relationsemail me

Caroline is responsible for liaising with existing and potential members of the Global Coffee Platform (GCP). She worked in the mechanical engineering industry and with Fairtrade products in sales and marketing. Her work experience is global in fat and lean countries.

Caroline graduated in Business at the Free University Berlin and has attained additional degrees in Corporate Sustainability Responsibility and is a GRI Certified Sustainability Professional and is based in Bonn.

In her free time she passionately hikes the Alpes, cooks and is active in the local church and drinks her coffee fast.