Learn to Act on Climate Change

Learn to Act on Climate Change

As diverse climate hazards are currently threatening the production of coffee and will continue to do so if left unabated coffee and possibly even more so in the future, The Global Coffee Platform and the Alliance for Resilient Coffee* partnered to create a comprehensive guide and learning series targeting Sustainability Managers, which will be launched in the middle of May.

A dynamic learning series will take Sustainability Managers through a series of webinars that address the challenges of climate change but shows also existing solutions and tested practices. Every chapter will provide information to diverse questions relating to climate change effects on the supply chain. At the same time, the series is an action pathway for private sector investment in climate smart agriculture, from assessing supply chain risks to monitoring the effects of implemented solutions at origin – for the benefit of the coffee farmers and, subsequently, the whole sector.

The Global Coffee Platform and the Alliance for Resilient Coffee created a compelling agenda and invite interested parties to participate in this exceptional learning series to:

  • Build your knowledge on the challenges of the effects of climate change on coffee
  • Get to know tools and resources that will empower you scale existing Climate Smart Agriculture initiatives
  • Be encouraged to collectively (or individually) invest in Climate Smart Agriculture
  • Learn how you can align your actions with other stakeholders at origin
  • Be able to convince your company and others to invest in Climate Smart Agriculture

If you are interested, please contact Caroline Glowka while more details will be available in the next weeks.

For more information on CSA, visit the Collective Action Networks website

*The Feed the Future Alliance for Resilient Coffee brings together the world’s preeminent expert group on climate and coffee production to generate private sector investment in forward looking adaptation to climate variability in the coffee sector.

Through the Feed the Future Alliance for Resilient Coffee, the Hanns R. Neumann Foundation is leading a consortium of six organizations (Initiative for coffee&climate, World Coffee Research, Conservation International, Root Capital, The Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security CCAFS- a research initiative of the CGIAR, and the Sustainable Food Lab) with ample experience on mitigating climate related threats to coffee. See more information here